Thursday, July 17, 2008

The View: Whoopi Makes Elisabeth Cry

First, let me say I do have a full time job and cannot watch daytime TV as much as I'd like. If I had my druthers though, I'd still never watch The View.

Except today, because not only does Elizabeth Hasselbeck (Elisabeth I saw it spelled somewhere today and I was like, really? You even spell your name stupidly.) cry, but she is also beautifully cut off by Barbra Walters in classic, "let the adults talk now" fashion.

It all was over the N Word. And Elizabeth/Elisabeth Hasselbeck was trying to explain that Whoopi Goldberg and her were totally alike. Apparently Elizabeth/Elisabeth she doesn't see color, she also doesn't know when to stop.

Take a look:

Many thanks go out to my girl Erica Watson for alerting me to this breaking story.

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